Quotes from The Claw Is Our Master

Lolly: I don't know why I'm doing this, one of the advantages of being married is you get to be fat.
Amy: You're doing it so you live to be ninety.
Lolly: Another advantage of being married is you no longer want to live to be ninety.

Amy: I got up early and went with my friend Lolly.
Vincent: I'm pretty sure you can be disbarred for having a friend named Lolly.
Lauren: Is her last name Pop?
Vincent: Hey, that's pretty good.

Mia: You could play hooky and go with us to the zoo.
Rebecca: Yeah, Daddy, why don't you?
Bruce: I have to work.
Mia: Aw, Daddy's no fun, is he?
Bruce: Daddy would be a lot less fun if he were unemployed.

Vincent: Anything worth having is hard.
Amy: Are you saying I didn't work hard enough at my marriage?
Vincent: Whoah, that's like projectile projecting.

Bruce: I've given you eight years and three thousand miles of space, but it's time to move on.
Mia: Well, that sounds like an ultimatum.
Bruce: Because it is.

Amy: Wow, no one's ever given me their... their frog before.

Amy: It was supposed to be a casual non-date, but we were eating Thai food and he was playing the crane machine and won me a frog and the next thing I know I was drinking cheap Merlot and thinking "Thank God I shaved my legs."
Lolly: Well, all that shows an admirable lack of class for someone with your resumé.
Amy: Oh my God, I got seduced for less than forty bucks. I hadn't even thought of that.

Lolly: You're having a terrific time with a funny guys who's great looking and could kill your ex-husband with one foot. What's your problem?

Tom: I would have just called but I figured stalking is more romantic.

Tom: I placed an emotionally disturbed child with his emotionally disturbed grandomother. Sometimes it feels like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Amy: This is really about what happened to my life. See, I was smart growing up and that was my first problem because no one wants to let a smart kid lead a normal life. So, you gotta get the best grades and get in the right classes and then you're valedictorian and the next thing you know you're Ivy Leagued up the nostrils and, uh, everybody's pattin' you on the back and then you're on Harvard Law Review and, y'know, blah blah blah, and, uh, and then you're married to Mr. Looked Good at the Time, and, uh, and, okay, so I took one wrong turn. Or two, two. Well, several, actually, but the point is that I grew up in a great home with a terrific family and now, more than anything, I want to give my daughter that. That! Who knew?

Rob: Sometimes people gotta obliterate everything in their paths just to get themselves back on track.
Amy: Yeah, that's exactly how it feels.
Rob: Sometimes innocent peole get incinerated because they happen to be too close to the blast.

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