Quotes from Dog Days

Look, you been busting my chops for something worthy of your intellect? I might have it.
Vincent: Before I kiss your feet, define "might."

Peter: We realize it's a little on the hokey side.
Amy: Uh, Peter, it's, uh, deep in the hokey end zone.

Lawyer: Is there a black hole at DCF where all the important phone calls and papers go?
Maxine: Yes, actually, there is.

Amy: I don't want you writing on yourself.
Lauren: Why not?
Amy: Well, it just, it... because.
Lauren: You don't have a reason, do you?
Amy: That's right. You just happen to be stuck with the meanest most irrational mother on earth.

Vincent: Sorry I'm late.
Amy: That's okay.
Vincent: You think we could put ice-cream on the French bread and call is dessert?
Amy: Stick it in the freezer, we'll call it next week's French bread.

Jane: Eeek, it's the dog of the future!

Amy: How many rings of hell are there?
Bruce: I think I'm going to have to poll the audience.
Amy: Just trying to figure out which one I'm in.

Maxine: I didn't lie, I fudged. I fudged for the greater good. Sean, Sean, someday, when you've been doing this job as long as I have, you'll understand that the only way to stay sane is to find ways to manuever within the system. Unfortunately, I'll be long dead by then and won't get the satisfaction of telling you "I told you so."

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